Healthy self-esteem is one of the most important qualities anyone can have in order to live a full life, so it’s important to understand what it really is. It should not be confused with arrogance or the ego.
Self Esteem is an appreciation of one’s own fundamental value as a living being. It is also an appreciation that everyone else has that same inherent value. It is an understanding of what every life is worthy of in terms of the way it is treated and what is available to it. It is not a feeling of superiority compared to any other being, as this is the ego which is delusional. There is a misunderstanding which sees self-esteem in terms of ‘haves’ and ‘have not’s’ based on factors like material wealth, social popularity and looks. While these properties may make it easier for someone to have a sense of self-esteem, this would ultimately be false as it is based on external factors rather than an understanding of one’s fundamental nature.
We can all become in touch with our true selves, and through this will come true self-esteem. It does not require any external commodities, despite what the world of advertising will have you believe. There is lots of money to be made in the idea that you need to buy this or that in order to be worthy. The manipulative nature of advertising is well known by now as it’s been round for decades, yet it still works on a grand scale.
There are also more subtle ways that the media in general can create a false understanding of self-worth. A lot of the most popular shows are based around competition and a concept of direct success or failure, winners and losers. In this narrative, it is the same idea being promoted that you need to have or achieve certain things in order to feel like a fully worthy person. This is also a concept which most of the dramas, soaps and comedies on TV are based around as well as mainstream films and music. No wonder people struggle with self-esteem! Indeed the very nature of having ‘must watch’ shows is also opposed to self-esteem as it discourages being true to yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there is anything fundamentally wrong with these kinds of entertainment. It is perfectly OK to enjoy these things, as long as you have perspective. Perspective and awareness are so important in all areas of life, as they stop from getting lost in delusional ideas. Supporting a sports team is a good example of this, it can be enjoyed for the entertainment that it is but some people take it too far. Addiction is also encouraged by the media as they want people to carry on watching their shows, there’s a balance to find.
Everyone is different, yet everyone is equally valuable. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and our own paths and purpose. While some peoples life may seem more significant on an external level, it is no more important than anyone else’s at the core inner level. True self-esteem is being in touch with your own purpose and understanding of who you are, without diluting these things to fit anyone else’s expectations.
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